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Why do people travel?
              What lures people to travel? People do have different reasons why they travel. For some, relaxation is the ultimate goal. They visit places where they can unwind unmindlful of the busy life they lead. Others look for places that educate, giving them an experience worth remembering.  Foreigners and locals alike travel because they want to have a taste of other cultures distinct from their own. In here, they want to try the exotic, colorful and vivid images of their culture. And for most people who travel they want to experience the tasteful, flavorful, unique, food of different places. Here in Angeles City, we have it all for you. Angeles City is the right place for all your travel needs.
   Angeles City, dubbed as  The Culinary Center of Pampanga introduces the kapampangans as gurus in the kitchen. Kapampangan cuisine is very much alive and celebrated in this part of the earth.“Manyaman mangan istung manyaman ing ulam, pero mas manyaman mangan istung agnan-agan.” This is a fact that Kapampangans are not only well known culinary enthusiasts but also they are after with the togetherness of the family in having meal. Food is indeed a part of Kapampangan culture and tradition. We got what you want in Angeles City!
     This video blog is made to promote and show that Angeles City is best when it comes to travel and cuisine. There are many things to enjoy in Angeles. Not only the food, but also the places which make Angeles City distinct to other places. These places have been a part of Angeles City’s history.  There are a lot of must-see places and must-try food and delicacies that you haven’t known yet, so allow us to take you to Angeles City where everything is "manyaman."! Manyaman Mangan Queni in English means "It's good to eat here" but our title translation is "Experience the Angels' Delight". Angeles City is really a spot to dine in!
      So, what are you waiting for? Come on and be fascinated with the great places and be captivated with the flavorful food here in ANGELES CITY!